Domestic Partnership Forms

Domestic Partnership Forms

This is a list of the forms to terminate a domestic partnership that are available, free of charge, at the Family Law Self-Help Center.

You can download the forms on your computer by clicking on the form's title. All of the forms needed are in one pdf.  The forms cannot be completed on your computer, but you can print and complete it by hand. If you need to download Adobe, click here.

To jump down to a group of forms, click one of these links:

Joint Petitions to Terminate a Domestic Partnership
Complaints to Terminate a Domestic Partnership
Answer & Counterclaims to Terminate a Domestic Partnership
Decrees to Terminate a Domestic Partnership

For information about how to fill out and file court forms, please read Basics of Court Forms and Filings.


Visit Terminating a Domestic Partnership to learn about the legal process.

Joint Petitions to Terminate a Domestic Partnership


If you have been in a registered Nevada domestic partnership for 5 years or less, and you and your partner will agree to all the terms of your separation, you do not need these forms.  Instead, you can terminate your domestic partnership by filing a form with both partners' signatures with the Nevada Secretary of State.  The cost is $50.  For more information and to find the form, please visit the Secretary of State's website.

Joint Petition to Terminate Domestic Partnership - No Children

Joint Petition to Terminate Domestic Partnership - With Children


Complaints to Terminate a Domestic Partnership

Complaint to Terminate Domestic Partnership - No Children

Complaint to Terminate Domestic Partnership - With Children


Answer & Counterclaims to Terminate a Domestic Partnership

Answer & Counterclaim to Terminate Domestic Partnership - No Children

Answer & Counterclaim to Terminate Domestic Partnership - With Children


Decrees to Terminate a Domestic Partnership

Decree to Terminate Domestic Partnership - No Children and No Hearing

Decree to Terminate Domestic Partnership - No Children and With a Hearing

Decree to Terminate Domestic Partnership - With Children and No Hearing

Decree to Terminate Domestic Partnership - With Children and With a Hearing