Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence generally includes acts of battery, assault, harassment, and intimidation by a person’s current or ex-spouse/significant other, or any person that is related by blood or marriage (except for adult siblings and adult cousins). There are many resources available to victims of domestic violence.

Domestic Violence Advocates

You may want to talk to a domestic violence advocate about your options and have a plan ready before doing anything.  Advocates can help you make a safety plan and talk about emergency resources that might be available.  Reach out to the following agencies if you need to talk to someone.  

Safe Nest
Hotline Numbers: 702-646-4981 and 800-486-7282

S.A.F.E. House:
Hotline: (702) 564-3227
S.A.F.E. House Counseling & Advocacy Center: (702) 451-4203

Shade Tree
(702) 385-0072

You can find a complete list of resources and providers in the link below:

Domestic Violence Resources (English and Spanish)

You can also explore helpful information at 


Protection Orders

Victims of domestic violence can apply to the family court for protection orders to keep their abusers away. A "temporary protection order" (a "TPO") may be issued for up to 45 days, and an extended protection order may be issued for up to two years. 

For more information, please visit the DV Protection Orders section of this website.


Reporting Sexual Assault to Law Enforcement

If you are the victim of sexual assault, you may have many questions about whether to report to law enforcement and what to expect if you do.  There is a Guide to Reporting Sexual Assault that provides answers to many questions you may have.  


Lease Termination

If a tenant is the victim of domestic violence, stalking, harassment, or sexual assault, the tenant can terminate their lease by giving written notice to the landlord.  Information and a sample notice form is available on the Civil Law Self-Help Center site. 


Legal Assistance

Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada may be able to assist victims of domestic violence with their divorce, custody, and protection order matters.

To be considered for assistance, visit the Legal Aid Center website to learn more.  If you are a victim of domestic violence and an immigrant, you may be eligible for both divorce/custody and immigration assistance. 


Southern Nevada Family Justice Center

This is a center operated by Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department that serves victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.  You can visit the Family Justice Center website to learn more, stop by their office at 861 N. Mojave Road, Las Vegas, Nevada  89101 on Monday-Friday from 9am-4pm, or you can call them at (702) 828-7714.