Appealing an Order

Learn how to "appeal" your case if you disagree with the final decision reached by the judge after your trial.

Overview of Appeals

If you disagree with the decision reached after your trial, you can file an “appeal.” An “appeal” is a request to have a higher court change or reverse a judgment of a lower court.

When you appeal, the entire case is reviewed by a higher court. The appeals court will look at the evidence that was presented to the trial court to decide whether some legal error was made. An appeal doesn’t allow you to re-do your trial.  You won’t be able to submit new evidence.  The appeals judge will only look at what you submitted to the trial judge.  Depending on what the appeals court decides, it can set aside, confirm, or modify the trial court’s judgment and could even order a new trial.


Appeals can be complicated, expensive, and lengthy.  Before you decide to file an appeal, it is a good idea to meet with a lawyer and find out if you have a basis to appeal and the likelihood of success.  Visit Lawyers and Legal Help for more information about where to find a lawyer.

An in-depth discussion of appeals is beyond this website’s scope. This website provides only a general overview. Appeals can be complicated, so make sure you understand all the rules that apply to your type of case and appeal.  Nevada Supreme Court appellate rules can be found in the Nevada Rules of Appellate Procedure.


The Appeal Process

Appealing a custody case follows the same general rules and procedures as appealing a divorce case.  For a discussion of the appeals process, please visit the Appeal page in the divorce section of this website.